Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Weight Loss and Health

Everyone knows that the US has an obesity and health problem. And things just seem to keep getting worse. I can completely understand though. How easy is it to just eat junk all of the time? It is usually cheaper. And how easy is it to eat healthier? Since eating healthy usually means you actually have to cook, it can be pretty challenging.

When we moved to California over 2.5 years ago, I weighed about 200 pounds. Within six months I weighed around 182. What changed? Well first, we had time to cook at home (and really had a hard time affording to eat out at California prices), so most of our meals were home cooked and healthy. Additionally, not being in Grad school anymore allowed me to get a lot more exercise. I was running just about every day. Mountain biking once a week, and doing yoga at least once a week.

Over the last year (or so) my weight has been creeping back up. It is hard to find time to exercise with a new baby in the house. It can also be hard to find time to cook.

Well, I think it is time to get back in gear. I am sitting at 192. I want to be under 185. To help me out, I have started keeping track of my weight. And since I am tracking it publicly, I have even more incentive.

So, what am I doing to help me on my way? RampĀ up yoga to three times a week. Running with Carrie at least 3 times a week. Biking in to work at least once a week.

Oh, right, and let’s cut down on treats, those can’t be helping.


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