Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi. This is me. 

<insert picture here>

My name is David, and I have decided to start writing a blog. This blog in fact. (OK, I know, what a pathetic attempt to be clever. You don’t need to worry, I have already been informed that I am not even remotely funny by a very trustworthy 9 year old.) Anyways, a little about me. I live and work in Northern California with my wife and baby toddling daughter. I am an electrical engineer, and I think mathematics are fun and cool.

I don’t plan to really have any theme to what I talk about here. I am just going to talk about what I find interesting and/or what I am thinking about. So, what might that include?

  • Books. I read a lot, and I like to both talk and think about what I have read. 
  • Yoga. I really enjoy Ashtanga yoga. I practice as often as I can. Which unfortunately is about once or twice a week unless I am lucky. 
  • News and Politics. The world around us is fascinating. It also tends to piss me off (particularly people doing stupid and mean things), which leads to interesting things to talk about. 
  • Alternative Energy. Fossil fuels suck. Need I say more? Well, I probably will. At great length.
  • Natural Building.  I don’t mean “Green” Building. This is something different.
  • Personal Projects. I might talk about the Kombucha that I am trying to grow (ferment?). Or the Cabinet and Furniture making class I am taking. Or other random projects I have started.

There are about a million other things I am interested in, so we will probably see a lot of posts on random things I have been thinking of.

I am going to try to set a rough schedule of posts. Three a week. My favorite blog is Coding Horror. Jeff Atwood talks a lot about blogging in his blog, and suggests setting a schedule and sticking to it. I like that approach. Especially since I probably will not write if I don’t set a schedule.

The last thing. Why the name Rational Irrational? Well, one reason is the mathematical reference to the field of Real numbers. But it also reflects my own inner conflict. I am both rational and irrational, usually at the same time. 

One day I might actually have a reader (or two!). In the mean time the main point here is for this to be fun. For me. So far, so good.

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